Our First year! During this year they are so many friends that I have to thank! I will tag you! WHAT IS THE FUTURE OF A NEW PR FIRM? Atlanta, GA - The day I open my PR firm, I was so excited and thrilled to see my seventeen years in the making.
Suddenly, I experienced an overwhelming feeling taking over me, and I realized for the first time in many years that I am now an entrepreneur in a very competitive world against PR Firms such as Ketchum and BRG Communications.
So, I thought for a moment, what is the future of a new PR Firm? The answer is simple; the sky is the limit.
What sets us apart from any globalized PR Firm? It's our passion for doing the right thing and doing it effectively. These principles will set us apart from the rest. We will work hard to meet new customers and serve them with high standards and ethics.
Small businesses are hungry to take their dreams to their next level. We are here to help them.
We are proud to announce after one year in business, we have a 98% winning rate. Women running for office can count on us to make them win.
Each day that passes by, video and photography are playing a more considerable role in PR. Bilingual marketing in social media is in high demand, especially in the political arena in the state of Georgia. Just like Frederick R. Barnard once said; a picture is worth a thousand words.
The veteran PR practitioner needs to go back to the drawing board and establish new strategies to reach their audience. We need stay vigilant, like an owl in the night, and swing our minds into high gear in order to innovate and create new ways to get the message across.
PR influencers and practitioners have many different channels to disseminate the message.
The question is, how we are going to reach our audience and find our niche in a very sophisticated world of communication? Time will give us the right direction to pursue what we need to accomplish.
We need to keep up with new trends and the constant changes in the technological world. We must study each innovation that appears on our horizon in the World Wide Web.
As communicators, we can make the world a better place to live. We have a responsibility to send the right message in order to define the right future for our nation. It is up to us to be responsible and passionate communicators. Communication will unite us!
Maggy Martinez CMO StarboundPR Firm Political Strategist Power 92.3 Atlanta Special thanks to Deja Davis Public Relations Executive for Starbound PR Firm.